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The World´s Water Crises Explained

From Not Enough to Too Much, the World’s Water Crisis Explained

Many more cities than Cape Town face an uncertain future over water. But there are emerging solutions.

“Day Zero,” when at least a million homes in the city of Cape Town, South Africa, will no longer have any running water,

Sauberes Wasser wird knapper...weltweit gesehen
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Die Wasserversorgung ist eines der wichtigsten globalen Themen.

Wasser wird mehr und mehr die strategische Ressource schlechthin darstellen.

Global water crisis: Facts, FAQs, and how to help

Every child deserves clean water.

There’s nothing more essential to life on Earth than water. Yet, from Cape Town to Flint, Michigan, and from rural, sub-Saharan Africa to Asia’s teeming megacities, there’s a global water crisis.

Cities in the face of drought
More than five billion people could suffer water shortages by 2050, as a vicious combination of climate change, increased demand and wasteful inefficiencies plunge the world’s water supply under threat. The Telegraph investigates what can be done to prevent future crises.
Water becoming more valuable than gold

Over the past 10 years the S&P 500 Global Water index has outperformed the bellwether gold and energy indices. Water becoming more valuable than gold


Windgiant - Wind Turbine Tower - 120 kW

Clean energy from wind power and fresh water from the wind flow & its entrained humidity components from 1 m/sec to 15 m/sec continuous operation.


Double safety control system in parallel with classical wind power operation:

Wind Turbine Towers with 120 kW have an additional safety control system.

To the 120 kW twin turbine, the wind flow supply is controlled via an electrically controlled lift cylinder wind gate by "opening and closing" in the wind tower at the tower bottom to the 120 kW twin turbine.

Via the PLC control system, the wind flow supply to the 120 kW double turbine is controlled via the wind gate depending on the wind speed.

  1. From startup at 1 m/sec wind speed the 120 kW twin turbine is switched on by opening the wind gate.
    2. From 12 m/sec to 15 m/sec strong wind the wind gate closes between 25% to 50% for further controlled and safe wind power operation in strong wind.
    3. From 15 m/sec to 16 m/sec strong wind the wind gate closes to the 120 kW twin turbine.
    4. From 11-12 m/sec wind speed the wind gate opens again with connection of the 120 kW twin turbine.

This double safety control concept is based on the combination of wind power and hydropower control technology that has been successfully used for decades.

120 1 ABC mit Beschriftung 1.2 engl. Grüne Bodenplatte

View perspective wind turbine tower 120 kW

120 kW 2 ABC mit Beschriftung 2.2 engl. Grüne Bodenplatte  View perspective wind turbine tower 120 kW                               


Smart Innovative Wind Energy and Water Technology, Made in Germany & Austria


Englisch minimale Bemassungen Step 4 1 60 auf 120 kW 60 kW E Turm 28.03.2022 Model


120 kW Function engl