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The World´s Water Crises Explained

From Not Enough to Too Much, the World’s Water Crisis Explained

Many more cities than Cape Town face an uncertain future over water. But there are emerging solutions.

“Day Zero,” when at least a million homes in the city of Cape Town, South Africa, will no longer have any running water,

Sauberes Wasser wird knapper...weltweit gesehen
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Die Wasserversorgung ist eines der wichtigsten globalen Themen.

Wasser wird mehr und mehr die strategische Ressource schlechthin darstellen.

Global water crisis: Facts, FAQs, and how to help

Every child deserves clean water.

There’s nothing more essential to life on Earth than water. Yet, from Cape Town to Flint, Michigan, and from rural, sub-Saharan Africa to Asia’s teeming megacities, there’s a global water crisis.

Cities in the face of drought
More than five billion people could suffer water shortages by 2050, as a vicious combination of climate change, increased demand and wasteful inefficiencies plunge the world’s water supply under threat. The Telegraph investigates what can be done to prevent future crises.
Water becoming more valuable than gold

Over the past 10 years the S&P 500 Global Water index has outperformed the bellwether gold and energy indices. Water becoming more valuable than gold


Wind turbine towers with 120 kW and 200 kW in regulatory approval phase

Wind Turbine Tower - 120 kW for grid parallel operation according to VDE 4105
120 1 ABC mit Beschriftung 1.2 engl. Grüne Bodenplatte  1st reference Wind turbine tower with 120 kW in approval phase
Wind Turbine Towers - 200 kW for grid parallel operation according to VDE 4105
 200 kW 1 engl.ABC 2.0 rechts Beschriftung mit Bodenplatte E Turm 200 kW 23.07.21 Modell
Two reference Wind turbine towers with 200 kW in approval phase